JTL: Journal of Teaching and Learning does not impose any Article Processing Charges (APC) for submission or publication of articles. We are committed to maintaining an open-access model that allows authors to publish their research without financial barriers.

Our open-access policy ensures that all content published in the journal is freely available to readers, while the costs of publishing and maintaining the journal are covered by other funding sources such as institutional support, sponsorship, and partnerships.

No Fees for Authors

  • There are no submission fees for submitting a manuscript to JTL: Journal of Teaching and Learning.
  • There are no publication fees for articles accepted for publication in the journal.

Support for Authors

We strive to make the publishing process as accessible and transparent as possible. Our goal is to ensure that all researchers, regardless of their financial situation, have the opportunity to publish their work without worrying about fees or costs.

Future Considerations

While we do not currently charge any APCs, we reserve the right to introduce charges in the future to ensure the sustainability and growth of the journal. Any changes to our fee structure will be communicated well in advance, and we will continue to offer support for authors in all stages of the publication process.

If you have any questions regarding our APC policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Email: jtleditor@gmail.com
Website: https://journal.as-salafiyah.id/index.php/jtl