Peer Review Procces

SAHRI: Journal of Studies in Academic, Humanities, Research, and Innovation follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality, validity, and originality of the published articles. This process involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Submission Check
    All submitted manuscripts are checked by the editorial team for adherence to the journal's scope, format, and author guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements may be returned to the authors for revision before proceeding.

  2. Plagiarism Screening
    Manuscripts are screened using plagiarism detection software to ensure originality. Submissions with significant plagiarism will be rejected.

  3. Assignment to Reviewers
    Manuscripts that pass the initial checks are assigned to at least two expert reviewers in the relevant field. The reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience.

  4. Double-Blind Review
    The journal uses a double-blind review process, where both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

  5. Review Process
    Reviewers assess the manuscript based on the following criteria:

    • Relevance to the journal's scope
    • Originality and significance of the research
    • Clarity and coherence of the presentation
    • Appropriateness of the methodology and analysis
    • Contribution to the field of study

    Reviewers provide constructive feedback and recommend one of the following outcomes:

    • Accept as is
    • Accept with minor revisions
    • Revise and resubmit (major revisions)
    • Reject
  6. Editorial Decision
    The editorial team reviews the feedback from the reviewers and makes the final decision on the manuscript. Authors are notified of the decision along with the reviewers’ comments and recommendations.

  7. Revisions (if required)
    Authors are given a specified timeline to address the reviewers’ comments and submit a revised version. Revised manuscripts may be sent back to the reviewers for further evaluation.

  8. Final Acceptance
    Once the manuscript meets all the quality standards and revisions are approved, it is accepted for publication.

  9. Proofreading and Publication
    The accepted manuscript undergoes final proofreading and formatting before being published in the next issue of the journal.

SAHRI is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and transparency throughout the peer-review process. This ensures the publication of valuable and credible contributions to the academic community.